Sunday, October 08, 2006


Once a month the "CHICKS" have a brown bag devotional where we bring our lunch and hear a devotional about the fruit of the spirit. In September we talked about love. We always leave with something for homework that we'll, in turn, talk about the following month. So our homework was to 1. Act lovingly to someone who clearly was treating us wrong and 2. Look for an unusual way that God tells us that he loves us.

In this blog, I'll write about #2.

It was a busy week here at the Jones Abode. We should have had a revolving door so we could get our "stuff" done a little faster. I am always curious why we'd be so busy when our kids are grown. It's like we have saved up everything we ever thought we may possibly want to do and now we're doing it. Anyway, during that time, I was dog-sitting some black varmint. I drove home from something I was doing to let the dogs out--(no reference to the GA bulldogs) and then head back to whatever I was so engrossed in.

I ran into the house and yelled, "Come on dogs, let's move it...Go...Go...Go (I do mean go). When I went outside on the deck, I looked up and there floating by me was a Mylar smiley-face balloon. I stopped my ranting around and glared...Floating about 5 feet from me was this balloon that literally bounced and hopped by until a gentle wind took it up. But not into the sky, but stuck high in our big pine tree. After two weeks, it's still there smiling.

It may be way too "off the beaten track" to say that God smiled at me, but how many times have you been in a hurry and in the only four minute window that you'd be outside all day, did a balloon linger near you. I had found my #2 homework from our session.

And GOD smiled...May he smile at you this week.

Until next time,

Mama Chick

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